It’s Valentine’s Day week, and I have no real advice for you on how to find love. But I do have two movie suggestions that are solid suggestions regardless of whether you’re making plans with a significant other, friends, or going solo.

The first one is to go see the Oscar Nominated Shorts. Choose between the animated ones, the live action ones, and the documentary shorts – all will be fascinating. Added bonus: This will allow you to have scene EVERY film in an Oscar category, while paying for the price of a single ticket. As someone who has seen exactly two nominated films this year (Gravity and Frozen), this seems like a good deal. In NYC, the IFC Center, Nitehawk Cinema, and BAM Rose Cinemaare all showing the shorts. Once I went to see “Stars in Shorts” at the IFC Center and Jennifer Morrison, who was in one of the shorts, showed up with her director to do a Q&A afterward.

Your second option: “The LEGO Movie”. This is especially good for people not looking for a date movie. For those who are, there is a romance, but it’s not that important. For everyone else, this movie is laugh-out-loud funny, creative, and heartwarming. After it’s over you will have the song “Everything is Awesome!”stuck in your head for days. My only critique is that there could have been more female characters – and better use of the ones they had, since Cobie Smulders voices Wonder Woman and doesn’t get much screen time. But aside from that, I highly recommend it. And if you are going solo, this is one movie where if there are couples in the theater, you at least know they’re pretty awesome people if their idea of a romantic Valentine’s Day date is to go see “The LEGO Movie”, right?!

If you’re looking for a night-in romantic rental, try Chocolat, or Joss Whedon’s Much Ado About Nothing. Anyone have other movie suggestions for this weekend?

Also, by me for F’ed in Park Slope, what the heck is contra dancing and why you should try it at Brooklyn Contra!