Tag: apartment

How to find an apartment in NYC

Adapted from this post on April 4, 2014.

One of the things I did while I was out on Sunday was stop by a little park in my neighborhood and take some pictures of the daffodils. I’ll probably go back again over the next few weeks to see if I can catch it when everything is in bloom. You see, just about exactly two years ago on the day I signed the lease on my current apartment, I was a little early walking over to meet the broker. I looked for somewhere to sit for a few minutes, and found this little park in full bloom on a gorgeous April Saturday. The giddiness of having found such a great apartment MIGHT be rosily tinting the memory for me a little bit, but in my mind that small garden was covered in all kinds of flowers. I hope I don’t miss it, like I did last year, but if I do — well, the daffodils were lovely on Sunday.

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In the limbo between winter and spring

Yesterday I bundled up like it was winter again. The temperature was in the upper thirties in the morning today as well — not terribly cold when you figure in all the weeks of temps in the twenties and even the teens, but I pulled on my gloves and covered my ears like there was a Polar Vortex, because I don’t do well when the weather changes quickly. A thirty-degree drop in temperature or a quick shift from dry weather to wet can bring on an attack of the sneezes. A quick Google search shows I’m not the onlyone to deal with this.

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A trip to Ikea in Brooklyn

My mom was in town this weekend and one of the fun things we did during her visit was take the Ikea ferry. We’d spent several hours in Manhattan and were sitting in Bryant Park deciding what to do next when she reminded me not only that I’d said that I wanted to go to Ikea but that there was a ferry that would get us there.

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How to find an apartment in NYC

It’s spring! The temperature is rising, the days are getting beautifully long, and pretty soon, people will be moving apartments.

Obviously people move year-round, but spring and summer seem to be especially popular times to hunt for a new apartment, probably since so many people move to New York each summer after they graduate from college. I found my current apartment around this time last year and while I plan to stay because I love my place, I thought I’d share some of the apartment-hunting advice I’ve come up with since moving here. Some of it is probably applicable for other cities, but from what I’ve heard about other cities, New York is an especially complicated place to find a place to live.

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