Tag: baking

Top 5 reasons I know it’s fall (and a recipe)

5. The calendar told me so.
4. I wore jeans and a sweater to the park on Sunday and I was still a little cold.
3. My television shows are back.
2. I saw an actual pumpkin on someone’s front stoop.
1. I baked chocolate chip cookies from scratch for no reason on Saturday.

My apartment stayed fairly cool this whole summer (don’t ask me how, that wasn’t true the last two summers) but I still didn’t do much baking. When I did, it usually involved pre-made cookie dough that I’d bought to eat and then baked after convincing myself I really shouldn’t eat ALL of it. So when I got the urge on Saturday to bake, I picked up some supplies and whipped up the delicious chocolate chip cookies you see above.

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Pumpkin bread

Too busy tonight to do a real post because I’ve been baking! Brownies from a box and two loaves of pumpkin bread.

I adapted this recipe, since I didn’t have a few of the items listed and I’ve found that it definitely needs more spices than the original calls for! Ingredients list below. Preheat oven to 350 F, mix dry ingredients (except spices) first, add wet, mix, add spices. Bake in a greased pan for about 40 minutes, but check on it. Makes one 9 inch round loaf (in a cake pan). I usually double it and make two, since a can of pumpkin puree comes to just shy of double what this recipe calls for.

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Finding the perfect cupcake

Cupcakes are serious business in NYC, and finding the perfect cupcake is a delicious mission. They are a Special Treat of choice, for any and all occasions, and it’s easy to see why. They’re sized perfectly for individuals – no worries about having to share, or not being able to finish, or not getting quite enough.

Well, unless you get cupcakes from Baked by Melissa, because as delicious as those cupcakes are, they are literally one bite each. If you don’t have a sweet tooth, one of those cupcakes might be enough to satisfy you, but if you’re me, it takes at least three.

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Staying warm with snickerdoodles

It has been an icy cold January here in New York, and I am not a fan. I’m a February baby, so I’ve always had affection for winter, and I’m from Western New York, so I know about snow and cold. But until I went to college and had to walk three or four blocks to class when it was fifteen degrees out, I didn’t really understand it. And then I moved to New York and have to walk nearly half a mile to the subway in the morning and home at night, and thirty degrees is starting to sound warm.
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